Congrats on Unilumin as nominee for InAVation Awards 2017! InAVation Awards is the very best event of the international AV industry. The glittering event will reward pioneering product development and outstanding integration skill in a gathering of the industry’s elite players.
Unilumin’s Upanel0.9S LED videowall was selected for its innovative and proved performance:
Give us your vote no later than it closes on 31st January 2017. Please surf (InAVation Awards voting page) and select from the 8th category ‘Technology for Large Group Presentation (over 20 people)’.
The award ceremony is scheduled on 7th February, the first evening of the ISE 2017 trade show in Amsterdam. We’re looking forward to meeting you there.
Your support is highly appreciated!
Unilumin ancora una volta si è presentata sulla scena internazionale con le sue innovative realizzazioni LED e soluzioni integrate come Micro LED, Smart Pole, ecc.!