· Prodotto: Upanel 1.9
· Dimensioni dello schermo: 30sqm
· Luogo: Romania
It is one of the three major private radio stations in Romania. The TV station is very popular in Romania and mainly broadcasts news. In the project, Unilumin helped the station merge the two screens for news coverage.
Modalità Smart MDC: passa rapidamente a diverse modalità di scena (opzionale)
Protezione scudo U: dissipazione del calore ad alta efficienza e alta protezione IP60
manutenzione anteriore
Connessione wireless tra armadi, prolungando la vita del display
Intelligent front maintenance – software maintenance and smart bracelet induction maintenance
HDR highly dynamic display – stunning visual experience
Revolutionary separate structure of cabinet and module – good heat dissipation
Seamless splicing between cabinets and modules
High gray scale under low brightness